Shouldn't really have uploaded something personal.
It's not badly animated, but i'm sure it was funnier to your friends, since they know everything that's going on. If you uploaded because you wanted to hear what people thought, well here's my short review -
The voices need a make over, someone was speaking too close to the mike. The animation was okay, considering you're just using sprites, but it's not a big deal to me how you animate it. I noticed only until the end that you actually animated the mouths, but they were so insignificant that I barely noticed them moving, so I guess those should go in the next film you do, or make them bigger. The story was too slow, the music too low.. and since I didn't know who these people were, I only laughed at the scene were Morgan got hit in the head with a rock. Damn, this was a long review.. damn me. Okay, laters.